Shameless Self-Promotion Post – Amazon Edition

This week I’ve been tinkering with Amazon (and other sites) in order to make the UFO ebooks available for purchase. And as of this afternoon, we have liftoff:

UFO ebook on Amazon

UFO paperback on Amazon

And while I was learning how to make books available via Amazon, I also finally took a few minutes to set up my author profile:

Want to get your hands on a FREE paperback copy of UFO? Visit Deborah Walker’s blog and tell her a joke in the comments thread. One lucky reader will receive their own copy of the book!

And finally, Kazka Press just released At Year’s End — an anthology of holday-themed flash fiction edited by L. Lambert Lawson. It includes a reprint of my story “Nuclear Family” which originally appeared in Kasma SF (not to be confused with Kazka. Both are fine semi-pro publications and I’m honored to be published by them).


Having recently learned how important reviews are to selling books on Amazon, I took a few minutes to review “At Year’s End.”  You can read my review on the anthology’s Amazon page.  This is also sort of a roundabout way of mentioning how important reviews are to selling books on Amazon. So, if you read and enjoyed Unidentified Funny Objects, would you please take a moment to rate it and write a sentence or two?





But it also prompted me to

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